How to be a Minimalist: A Beginner’s Guide

Grab it on Amazon by clicking HERE — How to be a Minimalist: A Beginner’s Guide

My book, How to be a Minimalist: A Beginner’s Guide is now up and available for purchase in ebook format! I’ve really loved working on this project and I hope you enjoy reading it. Thanks so much for checking it out and supporting me/my family/my work!

Note: The paperback will be out in a month or two in case you’re interested.

Minimalist Kitchen Tips — Ep. 33

Like many people, I spend a LOT of time in the kitchen. I want my family to be well-fed and nourished, so — as difficult as it is some days — I put in the time. Having a well-organized menu, shopping list, and cupboards have helped me to be more efficient and make sure that my time is well-used.

In this episode, I talk about everything from our minimalist menu, to cleaning and organizing with minimalism in mind, to the positives of having a few to zero items on your kitchen counters.

When I think about how much time I spend in the kitchen, I know it’s worth it for me and my family to put in the effort to have a pleasant, clean space to prepare our healthy and delicious foods.

It may sound contradictory to want to have less in the kitchen in order to have more nutritious foods in our bodies, but minimalism has helped us to achieve our goals when it comes to eating healthier simply because our menu and cabinets are organized and we have more time to prep deliciousness instead of spending excessive amounts of time cleaning dish after dish. On top of that, having minimalist aesthetics in the kitchen makes it a much more peaceful place, something that I personally appreciate very much.

Whether you spend a lot or a little bit of time in the kitchen, I hope these tips help you to make yours a place you enjoy to be.

Listen to the podcast episode by clicking the play button below.

Article: What a Minimalist Kitchen Really Looks Like

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My latest videos on YouTube:
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

How to Start Practicing Minimalism — Ep. 32

If you’ve been enjoying the How to be a Minimalist podcast or are new to it but haven’t quite figured out where to start with minimalism, this is the podcast episode for you. I offer four steps I wish I would have started with when I first began practicing minimalism and I hope they help you on your minimalist journey. Listen to the podcast by clicking the play button below or read about the four steps below.

Step 1. Stop accumulating STUFF

This is important for two reasons — first off, this gives us time to evaluate what we have and what we actually need, which makes the process of getting rid of things easier. It’s also helpful to building better habits.

Secondly, this allows the “wear and tear” process to begin and ensures that we actually use up what we have. There’s nothing wrong with getting something new! You might consider if it’s the best choice to buy now, or wear out the thing you want to replace, first.

It’s worthwhile to note here that you should be mindful about what you bring in. Even thought it’s tempting to buy the first thing you see when you’re ready to replace an item, taking your time to purchase something that you both love and find perfectly useful will serve you well in the end.

Step 2. Write down your WHYS

We all need motivators. Understanding why you’re practicing minimalism is like creating a reward for yourself when you ditch an item, and also cements in why you’re practicing living this lifestyle.

When we finally decided to sell our home and purchase an RV to live in full time, I began getting rid of even more stuff than I ever had before. I would look at an item, tell myself, “I want to live in an RV,” then decide if I should keep that item or not. I can’t tell you how many things I got rid of just from saying that little mantra over and over.

Times will get tough. You’ll wonder why you are living simply. Saying something like, “I want to spend more time with my family and less time cleaning up my stuff,” or “I want a healthy budget” can help you to overcome those moments when you want to make a spontaneous purchase or don’t understand why you’re trying to donate your old prom dress.

Step 3. Ditch, Donate, and Declutter

I understand wanting the downsizing process to happen quickly, but many people that try to rush this step pass up developing good habits. Snapping our fingers and having everything we don’t want disappear would be amazing, yet it wouldn’t give us the same opportunities for growth. Making consistent efforts to work through your things until you’ve achieved your ideal minimalist home will most likely go better than one ditching session over a weekend.

On top of that, going through your things just once isn’t really enough. I’m constantly evaluating our possessions, determining what is still useful and wanted. Taking the time to do this has made me a much more mindful minimalist.

Step 4. Don’t forget minimalist practices on your calendar

Practice saying “no.” Look carefully at your activities and obligations — are they adding meaning and value to your life or are they simply running out the clock? In the podcast episode today, I talk about wanting my life to mean something. Ditching activities that weren’t getting me and my family to that end goal has been an important part of living minimalism to its fullest.

Good luck with finding YOUR kind of minimalism and remember, it’s all about the experiences, not the stuff.

Here’s the article from Beautiful Minimal Millennial and her Instagram

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My latest videos on YouTube:
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

7 Ways Minimalism Brings Peace Into Your Life — Ep. 17

Most people I know would LOVE to find a little more peace in their lives. Minimalism may not be the only answer, but it has significantly changed my life and has definitely added to my peace. There’s so much comfort in not only knowing your home is in order and not nagging at you to tidy up, but also to practice emotional minimalism and letting go of negativity.

I hope you enjoy the episode and find more peace in your life! Click the play button below to listen:

Katie’s InstagramJosiah’s Instagram

The Darwin Awards Podcast — Josiah’s Podcast

The How to be a Minimalist YouTube Channel — Please subscribe!

The article I talked about during the show

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!