6 Happiness Practices — Episode 38

Living in the PNW in the winter has its challenges, as does the normal stresses of life, so I’ve been doing my best to implement simple living, minimalism, and happiness practices that help me to be able to live my best life, no matter what’s going on around me. Today, I’m sharing 6 practices I’ve implemented into my life that allow me to feel more positive and have higher energy levels in my daily life.

Click the play button below to listen to this episode of the How to be a Minimalist podcast or read a shortened version below

NOTE: While these practices work for me, they may not work for you! If you need professional help, you should definitely seek it.

1. Light body movement is one of my favorite ways to boost my energy and happiness levels. I always feel more mental clarity, and my body feels so much better afterward. There are countless ways to do this, but stretching, going for a walk, dancing, or even just stepping outside for a minute always create a little more positivity in my life.

2. Intake uplifting information. Several months ago, I realized that I only had deeply negative topics of conversation to bring to the table because that’s what was running through my head. Choosing wisely how much time I spent with negative sources, ditching or limiting all forms of media, and discerning between educating myself and indulging in negative articles/posts helped me to return to the person I really want to be. Being uplifting and being a source of positive energy are two extremely important focuses for me and allow me to do more good for others than drenching myself in negativity.

3. Get in touch with your Higher Power. For me, this is God, for you it might be nature, spirituality, the Universe, or any number of sources. When I get out of touch, I notice a lack in my life and always feel a pull to return. And when I do, I notice a boost in happiness.

4. Look at your successes. I had a tendency to never slow down and appreciate my accomplishments and instead, constantly tried to figure out what I was supposed to be doing next. This led to me always feeling frenzied. Knowing that I can take a moment to pause and be happy that I got the kitchen cleaned or a podcast episode uploaded has added greatly to my happiness and self-love.

5. Get into nature. This can even be done by bringing a plant into your home to put on your bedside table. Whether you walk down your street, go for a bike ride, head to a state park, or add a succulent to your bathroom counter, being in nature is a beautiful way to get grounded, feel peace, and find inspiration. This world is a beautiful place to explore.

6. Live in joyful gratitude. I’ve recently had an epiphany about gratitude. I’ve always been full of gratitude, but I never knew all it could be and the joy it could bring until a couple of weeks ago. I saw a YouTube video from the Gem Goddess where she talked about doing everything with passion. The second she mentioned something about passionately being grateful you actually have dishes to clean, I realized that I had been grateful all my life, yes, but it wasn’t with joy. And it was always with a touch of guilt — like I would be an awful person if I wasn’t grateful for what I had and if I wanted to progress onward to better things. Since watching her video, I’ve been trying to do things with passion and joyful gratitude simply for the sake of adding happiness to my life. It’s allowed me to truly see all that I have and bask in the joy for all that’s in my life.

There are a lot of things to be happy and positive about. My life is better when I focus on and find them and I’m much better able to share my positivity with others.

The article I talked about: 9 Natural Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

My latest videos on YouTube:
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

7 Minimalist Cleaning Tips

Keeping things minimalist-minded when it comes to my cleaning routine has saved me hours of cleaning time and kept me on track when it comes to having a tidy home. My family and I all benefit from having a nice space and I’m happy I don’t have to spend extra minutes cleaning — some more bonuses of minimalistic practices.

Hit the play button to listen to the episode, or you can quickly read through my tips below.

If you’ve listened to many of my podcast episodes or read my book, you’ll know that I dislike cleaning, but I love having a clean house. Minimizing the amount of time I spend on chores but also being able to enjoy a tidy home is one of my goals with minimalism and here are my top tips for having the best of both worlds.

  1. Clean the dishes after every meal. Yep, it’s a bit of a pain, but it’s impactful when it comes to amount of dishes you need — if you only have a dish or two for each person In the home, you HAVE to clean up after every meal. If you have 50 plates, it’s easier to let them pile up and create a huge mess. Also, having a tidy kitchen won’t only feel good, but it will likely help you to eat better foods if your kitchen is clean.
  2. Have the right tools. You don’t need a million, just the right ones. I finally made a daily cleaner that I love and crocheted a few wipes that are specifically for the bathroom. The bonuses were that I was able to ditch the other products I had used and I now have more space in my tiny RV cabinet. Even better, our bathroom is clean most of the time because the process is quick and simple with the right tools.
  3. Deal with clutter daily. Put away paperwork as soon as it comes in, make sure your surfaces are cleared off at least once daily, and make sure clothes get put away in the hamper or closet when you’re done with them. You’ll feel less stress and be able to enjoy the benefits of being organized. Plus, it won’t be a big deal if somebody stops by.
  4. Fold and put laundry away as soon as it’s dry. This one’s the worst for me, quite frankly. I’ve learned that having a pile of laundry out makes your home feel cluttered and messy faster than most things, so it’s worth it to just deal with folding it and putting it away as soon as possible.
  5. Make constant efforts to downsize and evaluate. Did you spot a shirt tucked into the back of your closet that you never wear when you put your laundry away? Can you ditch it? You don’t have to be compulsive about searching for things to ditch, but looking at your things objectively when you’re tidying up helps to keep working on minimalistic practices.
  6. Make your bed every day. In the morning is preferable. Have you ever taken a look at how large your bed is? If it’s messy, it looks like the whole room is messy. In comparison, if you leave a glass and book out on your bedside table, but the bed is made, nobody would hardly notice. Making my bed each morning just makes me feel good and gives me a place to comfortably rest or hang out during the day.
  7. Create a cleaning routine. Focus on the flow — move fluidly from one room to the next instead of bouncing around your home like a ball in a pinball machine. It’ll take less time and you won’t have to put much mental effort into making sure you check everything off your list. Check podcast episode 12 for some tips, although I go into the nitty gritty depth of how to do this in Patreon Exclusive episode 7. $3/month patrons get two bonus exclusive podcast episodes each month and you’re also supporting the show continuing, my friends. Thanks for considering!

The Darwin Awards Podcast

Jenny Mustard Minimalist Cleaning Habits — Get Tidy + Organized

Instagram @howtobeaminimalist

Broden and the Shark-Toothed Chicken — Book 1 of this chapter book series (should be marked as free)

My latest videos on YouTube:
Vegan Cheesy Fry Sauce
How to Make Cashew Yogurt
Sushi Bowl Salad

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

Four MORE Ways to Practice Simple Living — Ep. 22

For me, Minimalism and Simple Living are interconnected. We practice both and they’re slowly becoming equally important because they compliment each other and our life goals so well. I’ve already done an episode (episode #5) on simple living practices, but it’s so important, I had to create another.

Here’s the Fabled Podcast where I first heard about time in nature proven to lower cortisol levels. Be sure to check out her other stuff. It’s AMAZING, and I’m not just saying that.

The Science Daily Article I found after hearing the Fabled Podcast episode can be FOUND HERE.

Here’s my Sushi Bowl Salad recipe on YouTube

You can find the RV renovation we were talking about HERE

My book, How to be a Minimalist with Kids: Finding YOUR Kind of Minimalism

Instagram: @howtobeaminimalistJosiah’s Instagram

The Darwin Awards Podcast — Josiah’s Podcast

The How to be a Minimalist YouTube Channel — Please subscribe!

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

#Simpleliving #minimalism

7 Ways Minimalism Brings Peace Into Your Life — Ep. 17

Most people I know would LOVE to find a little more peace in their lives. Minimalism may not be the only answer, but it has significantly changed my life and has definitely added to my peace. There’s so much comfort in not only knowing your home is in order and not nagging at you to tidy up, but also to practice emotional minimalism and letting go of negativity.

I hope you enjoy the episode and find more peace in your life! Click the play button below to listen:

Katie’s InstagramJosiah’s Instagram

The Darwin Awards Podcast — Josiah’s Podcast

The How to be a Minimalist YouTube Channel — Please subscribe!

The ZenHabits.net article I talked about during the show

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

What I Wish I Would Have Known Before I Became a Minimalist: Podcast Ep. 16

I don’t think I’ve ever gotten ANYTHING right the first time. There’s almost always something to learn or some way to improve a process. In this episode, I fill you in on four things I wish I would have known before starting my minimalist adventure. I hope being open about MY struggles can help you on YOUR path!

Hit the PLAY button below to listen in on the episode.

Katie’s InstagramJosiah’s Instagram

The Darwin Awards Podcast — Josiah’s Podcast

The How to be a Minimalist YouTube Channel — Please subscribe!

The Messy Minimalist Article I talked about during the show

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

Stuff You Can Borrow or Rent

When you have a need or want for an item but don’t want to keep it in your home, borrowing or renting are great alternatives to making permanent purchases. We’ve rented or borrowed so many things, plus we’re sharing new ideas we’ve discovered in this episode. Have a listen by clicking the play button below.

Katie’s InstagramJosiah’s Instagram

The Darwin Awards Podcast — Josiah’s Podcast

The How to be a Minimalist YouTube Channel — Please subscribe!

Wikipedia article on Library of Things (has links to some libraries)

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Don’t forget that Patrons now get bonus episodes! Thanks so much!
Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!

How to be a Minimalist Podcast: Episode 12. How to Create a Morning and Nightly Routine

Creating a morning and nightly routine are an essential part of maintaining your minimalist ideal. But they don’t have to be super time-consuming and rigid. Getting a few things done at night and again in the morning can have you ready to sleep well and also conquer your day. On top of that, you’ll much more easily be able to keep your home peaceful and minimalist.

Listen to me and my husband chat about it in the episode by clicking the play button below

Some Links We Talk About:

My lovely rosy bullet journal can be found by clicking RIGHT HERE (affiliate link — thanks for supporting the show! No cost to you)

Katie’s InstagramJosiah’s Instagram

The How to be a Minimalist YouTube Channel — Please subscribe!

Hal Elrod’s The Miracle Morning book (affiliate link — thanks for supporting the show! No cost to you)

Sink Reflections by Fly Lady/Marla Cilley (affiliate link — thanks for supporting the show! No cost to you)

Here’s the article I found from VeryWellMind.com

Your support of the show is so very appreciated! Ratings, reviews, and Patreon patronage all sustain this show. Thanks so much!

Want to leave a tip in my virtual tip jar? You can Venmo me @HowtobeaMinimalist Thank you so much for your support!