Have you heard this quote before? I found it the other night and I absolutely love it! I made some pretty hefty goals this year and–so far–they’re going well. Of course, I know that it’s only January and as seasons and life changes, certain things will appear more important than others.
While I accept that I may not make every single one of my goals, I know that by trying, my path will be further traveled than if I hadn’t.
I happened to find this quote at just the moment, however, when I was about to give up hope of succeeding or trying at all with one resolution in particular. Sometimes certain beasts appear too large to defeat, and this one happens to be my arch nemesis. At that pivotal moment when I was deciding whether I should give up the conquering of this monster in order to focus on other, more pleasant things, I found this quote and I knew that to not try is the true failure.
Whatever your goals, life difficulties, I hope that this quote helps you in some way, as well.